The company

Our vision, values and strategy. Avadis is a leading provider of services for pension funds.

Expert pension solutions. Simple, reliable and smart

Avadis was created in 1999 from the administration of the ABB pension funds. Since then, it has consistently cultivated its passion for the demanding world of occupational pension provision. Starting with a dozen employees, Avadis today employs around 200 asset and pension specialists at its Zurich and Lausanne locations.

Pioneering role

Choice of premium, same-sex partner pension and individual investment strategies for insured persons: Avadis anchored these building blocks in its customers' regulations early on and successfully implemented them - long before they were required by law.

In institutional asset management, Avadis launched the multi-manager approach for the first time in Switzerland and set up the first institutional fund platform. Avadis' private equity programme specifically for pension funds is the oldest and largest of its kind.

Avadis even acted as a pacemaker for private investors. It launched one of the first Swiss investment companies with variable capital (SICAV).

institutional clients

Our values

Trust. Customers rely on our performance. With personal commitment and outstanding solutions, we help our customers to achieve their goals quickly and comprehensively. We keep our promises.

Dialogue. We treat each other openly and with respect. We know our customers and speak their language. Our culture is characterised by open exchange, clear goals and binding leadership.

Knowledge. We pass on knowledge and experience. We work in a network of learning and measure ourselves against the best. Creativity and the will to change secure us a top position.

Growth. We increase the value of the company. We focus on profitable growth. A balanced portfolio, effective management systems and the consistent realisation of synergies are the basis of our success.

Quality is important to us

Avadis Vorsorge AG is a FINMA-approved managers of collective assets. Avadis Vermögensbildung SICAV is a SICAV authorised by FINMA.

KGAST represents the interests of its affiliated investment foundations. Only those who demonstrate a high degree of cost transparency and grant their investors clearly defined participation rights can become members of the KGAST. KGAST investment foundations must meet strict quality standards. This gives investors greater security with regard to systemic risks (risks outside of market risks).

Our Code of Conduct is based on the relevant laws and regulations (in particular No. 48f h BVV 2) of the ASIP Charter of the Pension Fund Association and the SFAMA guidelines.

Various Avadis asset allocation funds have won several Lipper Fund Awards since 2012. Lipper analyses and evaluates over 100,000 funds worldwide.

Management Board

The members of the Avadis management board can be found here.