Avadis Investment Foundations

We offer a broad range of traditional and alternative investment groups – exclusively for Swiss pension funds.

Comprehensive investment solutions tailored to pension funds 

The Avadis Investment Foundations offer Swiss employee benefits institutions a broad and well-established investment platform. For tax reasons, we also operate the identically managed Investment Foundation 2 alongside the Avadis Investment Foundation, which covers the investment groups World Equities, World Equities hedged indexed and World Real Estate Equities.

What’s important to us:

  • The interests of the pension funds come first

  • Professional asset management

  • Monitoring of the value chain

  • Cost advantages for investors

  • Easy access to complex investments

investment groups
CHF total assets
of experience

Investment opportunities

The Avadis Investment Foundations offer a wide range of products and services covering all investment components relevant for Swiss employee benefits institutions. The investment groups comprise both traditional  and alternative investments. Avadis possesses particularly extensive expertise in the fields of real estate investments and private equity.

  • Core-satellite product range

  • Active and indexed products

  • Investment products with currency hedge

  • Handling of all administrative processes

What distinguishes the Avadis Investment Foundations?

The Avadis Investment Foundation was created in 1995, and the Avadis Investment Foundation 2 in 2008. The multi-manager approach avoids cluster risks in asset management. We continuously monitor all legal and contractual requirements. As a member of the Conference of Chief Executive Officers of Investment Foundations (KGAST), we are committed to meeting its quality standards.
Our investment solutions are designed exclusively for Swiss pension funds. Participating pension funds are granted extensive participation rights. An investor meeting is held every year. This is the supreme body that elects the board of directors, decides on the articles of association and regulations, and approves the annual financial statements. The expert committees are made up of investor representatives and external experts.
Due to its independence from banks and insurance companies, Avadis acts exclusively in the interest of its investors and credibly plays the role of implementation and control in the investment process. Through a careful selection process, Avadis selects the world's best asset managers by investment category.
The large investment volume enables us to achieve cost advantages for investors. Whatever the size of a fund, Avadis clients have easy access to traditional and sophisticated investment categories such as overseas real estate investments and private equity.

Tax advantages

With the exception of private equity, investment vehicles are exempt from stamp duty. Domestic withholding taxes are automatically reclaimed by Avadis. Qualified pension schemes such as pension funds under Art. 48 BVG can reclaim 100% of the withholding tax on US equity securities.

The Avadis Investment Foundation is open to all tax-exempt employee benefit plans domiciled in Switzerland. Investment groups that also invest in equity securities of American companies are subject to withholding tax.  

Avadis Investment Foundation 2 was established in 2008. It manages investment groups that also invest in US equities. It is only open to pension funds that are entered in the Register of Occupational Pension Plans. Only under this condition will the investment groups not be charged withholding tax on dividends from US equities.

Infrastructure Direct investment group

Investing in transition-linked infrastructures that are fit for the future.

Sustainability at the Avadis investment foundations

Learn more about sustainability at the Avadis investment foundations.

Exercise of voting rights and engagement

Find out more about voting rights and engagement.

Foundation Board and Committees

Here you will find the members of the Foundation Board and the other Committees.

Asset manager Avadis Investment Foundation

Investment groups

Asset manager

Bonds CHF domestic


Bonds CHF foreign

Syz AM

Bonds CHF

Syz AM

Foreign currency government bonds hedged indexed

Amundi AM

Foreign currency government bonds AAA-AA hedged indexed

Amundi AM

Foreign currency corporate bonds hedged

Allianz GI, Barings

Emerging markets debt

Mondrian Investment Partners

Mortgages Switzerland

Avadis Vorsorge AG

Swiss equities indexed


World equities hedged indexed


World equities hedged indexed 2


World equities indexed


World equities indexed 2


World equities CO2 Selection hedged 2


Emerging markets equities indexed

Pictet AM

Emerging markets equities

Amundi AM, Robeco AM

Small cap equities

Fisher Investments

Residential real estate Switzerland

AFIAA Real Estate Investment AG*

Residential real estate Switzerland, medium-sized towns

AFIAA Real Estate Investment AG*

Commercial real estate Switzerland

AFIAA Real Estate Investment AG*

Private equity

Portfolio Advisors

* AFIAA Real Estate Investment AG is the mandate holder (not an asset manager according to FinIA)